Task, Time, Energy Ep. 32 – Accessing Mindfulness with Dr. Isabel Roth

Dr. Isabel Roth

How is mindfulness being used in healthcare settings? And what lessons are being learned in those settings that we might apply in other aspects of life?

Dr. Isabel Roth is a Research Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine in the Program on Integrative Medicine in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

When she was in high school and college, Dr. Roth developed a unique combination of interests in dance and neuroscience which formed a basis for her interest in mindfulness. Some of her current work focuses on implementing mindfulness practices in health systems to benefit people with conditions such as chronic pain and long COVID.

In this episode, Dr. Roth explains how mindfulness is being used in healthcare settings. She talks about the work she does to help more people gain access to mindfulness programs, what she’s learning from that work, and how mindfulness practice has helped her as a working parent of an active toddler. When listening to her talk, it’s easy to understand how meaningful her work is and the profound sense of purpose that she gains from it.

Dr. Roth’s website is http://www.isabelroth.com/.

You can also find more information about her work on the website for the UNC School of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation: https://www.med.unc.edu/phyrehab/.

Have you been to the North Carolina Botanical Garden? Visit https://ncbg.unc.edu/.

If you haven’t heard last week’s bonus episode, please give that a listen. In that bonus episode, Dr. Roth leads a short, grounding mindfulness meditation: https://scottmillercoaching.com/task-time-energy-ep-31-bonus-isabel-roth/

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