Art by Roni Dror | Instagram: @foxriver_d | Reddit: u/Clementine_AJ
Art by Roni Dror | Instagram: @foxriver_d | Reddit: u/Clementine_AJ
"Time For Leaders" is a unique training program customized to meet the needs of leaders in your organization.
The program helps leaders develop effective habits and a healthy relationship with time. It empowers them to use their own time effectively while helping the people they lead to do the same.
Time For Leaders is a flexible, customizable, and highly interactive program that features:
engaging workshop sessions and group coaching sessions where leaders collaborate to solve actual, practical issues they face in their daily work;
follow-up support to reinforce new habits and techniques;
a small number of participants in each cohort (maximum 10) to allow personalized instruction;
optional 1-on-1 coaching for individual participants.
Time For Leaders is available through live online virtual meetings. In-person meetings may also be available. Contact us for more information.
About your instructor:
Scott Miller has over 30 years of experience as a teacher, trainer, and coach. He has extensive experience leading teams of highly skilled professionals performing critical functions in demanding environments. Scott has been widely praised for his ability to teach in a highly engaging and effective way, both in person and online. Read more…
"This open discussion helped me understand ways to improve my communication in a way that will improve my time management. It has also allowed the group to see that we all have similar issues and can address them collectively."
Joshua Perry
Time For Leaders participant
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