Saying “No” to Your Comfort Zone
Scott Miller | Posted on |

How often do you step outside of your comfort zone?
20 years ago, this was a typical day at the office for me. I was working as a test jumper for Performance Designs, a parachute manufacturing company. I was pretty comfortable stepping outside of my comfort zone. It’s basically what I was paid to do.
But back then, and even today, I was often drawn toward the safe and comfortable. I absolutely had a comfort zone, and it was easy to get stuck there sometimes.
That’s true for everyone, isn’t it?
We might be very willing to take certain risks, but in other situations we like to play it safe and stick with what’s comfortable and familiar.
I enjoy helping people with time management. I’ve enjoyed having that as the focus of my coaching work for the past couple of years. But I’m ready for something a bit different.
I want to help more people step outside of their comfort zones, in new and different ways.
Do you ever notice yourself clinging to the safe and familiar? Are you willing to step out of that into something more challenging, perhaps even something intimidating or downright scary?
In our careers and in the rest of our lives, that big open space that lies outside of our comfort zone is where the most exciting things can happen.
What safe and familiar things are you hanging on to right now? And what might be possible if you let go? Let’s talk about it.
Contact me to learn how Core Energy Coaching can help you step outside of your comfort zone.