Free coaching for students, parents, and teachers who are striving to succeed in spite of COVID-19

Are you are a student who is determined to succeed in school in spite of the demands that COVID-19 is placing on you, or a parent or teacher who is determined to help your students succeed? I am offering a limited number of free success coaching sessions in support of these goals. These sessions are for:

  • high school/secondary, undergrad, or graduate students;
  • parents of primary/secondary (K-12) students or undergrad students;
  • teachers at any level: primary, secondary, or college/university.

If you’re in one of these groups, I would like to offer you up to two free 45-minute coaching sessions. Although I can’t guarantee that I can work with everyone who asks, I’ll extend the offer to as many people as my schedule can accommodate.

Coaching can help you define your priorities, set clear goals, and make effective plans to achieve the outcomes that you want. It can improve your motivation, determination, and ability to succeed. It can help you recognize opportunities that you haven’t considered. Success coaching helps students build effective study habits, gain a clear vision of education and career paths that they want to pursue, and unlock their full potential as students and leaders.

It’s important to understand that coaching is not a substitute for therapy. If you are experiencing severe stress, anxiety, depression, emotional issues, or behavioral issues, please seek help from a licensed mental health professional.

I’m doing this for a simple reason. I’ve been listening to friends who have children heading back to school right now. I’ve been listening to friends who are teachers. I’ve been reading news articles about the challenges that students, teachers, and parents are facing. And I’ve been asking a simple question: “what can I possibly do to help?”

This is what I can do.

If you are interested in this free coaching offer, please use this form to contact me.

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